Covid19: at your side, even from a distance. #BeAVictor
Dear partner, we think it’s important to tell you that, even in this difficult time, Victor remains at your side, although at a distance. In
Dear partner, we think it’s important to tell you that, even in this difficult time, Victor remains at your side, although at a distance. In
Via Calabria 31, 20158 Milan
Phone: +39 02 48538714
Email: info@victorinsurance.it
Victor Insurance Italia srl Capitale Sociale Eur 380.000 Reg. Imp. MI - N. Iscriz. e C.F. e Partita IVA: 09587810962 Iscritta al R.U.I - A000556872 - PEC: info@pec.victorinsurance.it
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