In our business, as well as in Victor’s human capital, we welcome individuals who are hungry for knowledge, growth and looking to shape the future of the insurance market. Our team comprises a group of professionals with a wide range of experience in the insurance and underwriting sectors, the perfect mix of expertise, versatility, and knowledge of the market.
Victor has a client-centric approach, which values customers’ needs and constantly expanding business opportunities for Victor’s intermediaries and partners.
Viale Bodio n. 29/B
20158 Milan
Phone: +39 02 48538714
Victor Insurance Italia srl Capitale Sociale Eur 380.000 Reg. Imp. MI - N. Iscriz. e C.F. e Partita IVA: 09587810962 Iscritta al R.U.I - A000556872 - PEC:
© 2020 Victor Insurance Holdings