(*) caponucleo
Reimbursement of medical expenses incurred as a result of injury or illness for hospitalization, surgery, diagnostic tests and specialist visits. Plans available with extension to “Dental Care” and “Lenses” benefits
Possibility to take advantage of supplementary forms to the Category Funds.
The services are provided with the support of an operations center and a dedicated website, specialized medical personnel and a network of affiliated healthcare facilities throughout Italy.
An Assistance Fund is available to manage supplementary health care taking advantage of the tax benefits provided by the regulations.
Via Calabria 31, 20158 Milan
Phone: +39 02 48538714
Email: info@victorinsurance.it
Victor Insurance Italia srl Capitale Sociale Eur 380.000 Reg. Imp. MI - N. Iscriz. e C.F. e Partita IVA: 09587810962 Iscritta al R.U.I - A000556872 - PEC: info@pec.victorinsurance.it
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